3 essential tasks in summer agriculture

We want to share with you this time about the 3 essential tasks in summer agriculture. Taking into account that summer is an especially hot season, the state of crops can be seriously affected if we do not prevent certain dangers. Above all, if we do not act on certain signs that something is wrong.


Why? As we have said, the high temperatures such as typical of the summer season produce a worse dryness on the substrate. The result is that the soil becomes excessively compacted and in the long run it will affect plant growth and crop yield.

In addition, adjustment of irrigation to the real needs of the soil and the type of crop in our field is important to reduce tillage and the use of agricultural machinery.

But soil regulators or correctors also have an important function. They help to fix the pH and mobilize soluble nutrients during a time when the humidity of the earth is much lower than at any other time of the year.


One of the essential tasks in agriculture in summer is to prevent pests and act when they appear.

The whitefly, which causes the leaves to lose their color, and the aphid are two of the most common summer pests. The same happens with the spider mite, another harmful species particularly harmful to crops in summer.
As you will remember, last summer we gave a few recommendations to control the summer pests. We did it in this post about the 4 most common pests of the summer and their natural solutions.


It is also a favorable time for the sowing of some types of crops, especially in the garden. It is important to pay attention to the nutrition of our plants.

Precisely because the conditions of the land and the plant itself are affected by dryness, the nutritional needs of the crop can be impaired. We can put the harvest at risk if we do not treat these needs, especially in summer.

Biostimulants and biofertilizers are the key

That is why we recommend biostimulants. Also in our case Zero Residue products provides natural active substances specifically designed to induce the necessary enzymatic and protein processes of the plants. They are primordial phases, prior to flowering, fruit setting and development.

On the other hand, biofertilizers contribute to providing trees and plants with elements such as amino acids and micronutrients, which the crop can not synthesize.

The species we grow have defenses like this to face the pests and other external risks. In addition, they achieve foliar development and quality that optimizes something as important as photosynthesis, especially now that there are more hours of sunlight.

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