5 tips to take care of your plants in summer

The care of plants and flowers, both indoors and outdoors, must be continuous and constant. But in summer , very important factors in plant life are accentuated, such as the rise in temperatures, the decrease in humidity in many areas and, of course, the increase in the hours of sunshine. That is why we give you 5 tips below to take care of your plants and flowers in summer. They are basic advice and by almost everyone known, but it never hurts to take them into account to avoid greater evils.

1)Watch the humidity. 

As we already know, it is a very important issue in the vital processes of plants. Each one has different needs for humidity, but all of them are conditioned by it in one way or another. Therefore, even if your plants are indoor, for example, watering is very important at this time.

Both the amount of water -in its proper measure always- and the time of irrigation mark the health of the plant.If in garden or outdoor plants it is the rise in temperatures and the decrease in environmental humidity that can harm, inside fans and air conditioning will also produce a dryness that we must avoid.

Our advice? Indoors, choose to place humidifiers or containers with water in some rooms to ensure a climate that is as mild as possible. Also outdoors, monitor the situation of your plants. Change them if you find that it is too hot or receives excessive direct sun.

2)Be careful about irrigation.

It is not only about the amount of water (less is simply enough), it is more about when and how. A classic tip is to avoid watering your plants directly. How? Resorting to absorption through a container with water at the base (if they are pots).

It is also important to avoid the ‘magnifying glass’ effect, which occurs when we water our plants at inappropriate times, with high temperatures and maximum solar radiation.

Always water first thing in the morning or last thing at night. And if possible, do not use the sprayer because the water that remains on the leaves can cause them to burn with sunlight.

3) Control summer pests with specific products.

Regularly apply adequate preventive treatments against parasites but also other phytobiotics if you find any unexpected ‘visitors’. Better not apply them to the plants in the hours of higher temperatures.

4) Take care that the plants are nourished.

Precisely using containers at the base of the pots is a way both to keep the plant moist and to ensure that what the irrigation water carries can be reused for another. Take the excess water from the irrigation and pour it into another pot or planter that you have; it will have a ‘plus’ of nutrients.

In addition, taking into account that in summer our plants are unattended for longer -because we are away from home more- we should apply biofertilizers, so that they have a greater supply of nutrients.

5) Better ceramic than plastic.

Although summer is probably not the best time to test your plants, a previous advice is that you always have them in ceramic or similar pots and not in plastic which does not perspire.

If you do not know it yet, we invite you to visit our section of natural solutions for ornamental plants. We are sure that you will find what you need.



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