5 tips for preparing and taking care of autumn crops

As there are only a few days until the change of season to the fall, we thought it was a good idea to share with you 5 tips to prepare and care for autumn crops. With autumn, many things change in our life, in our environment, and even in our mood. In addition, at the countryside, as a space full of life undergoes changes that we must know how to ‘listen to’.

In this season the light, temperature and humidity are not the same as at other times of the year. As we know, they are one of the most influential factors in the development of any plant species. Because after the autumn equinox the days will start to get shorter, there will be fewer hours of light and this will have an important influence on the photosynthesis of plants.

There will also be a drop in temperature and rain will abound, with the consequent increase of humidity. Pros and cons? Humidity benefits the crop after the summer drought but also encourages fungal diseases to proliferate.

Our five tips for preparing and taking care of autumn crops, here there are.

    1. It start with pruning. It is the ideal time to prune trees, shrubs, fruit trees… As long as the plant is vigorous. Removal of the most deteriorated parts will not affect the uptake of nutritional substances so much. Note that the strength of the plant is always concentrated in the root and trunk or stem on the season of fall.
    2. If you are going to plant, choose the right species. There are crops that are especially advisable at this time, because they withstand autumn conditions better such as broccoli, pumpkin, lamb’s lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, beans, lettuce, turnip, potato, radish, beet, carrot etc. These are some of the products that you can plant and care in autumn. It is essential to achieve a good crop. 
    3. The soil temperature should be ensured. Why? To avoid the impact of the wind on the temperature of our cultivation. It is always possible to build small masonry walls or reeds. We will create a ‘microclimate’ that will favor the growth of the crop without degrees of less.

      And to avoid excess humidity that leads to diseases, do not forget to eliminate excess condensation water that can occur at night. It is also advisable to increase the space of the droplets.

    4.  It is also time for green manures, crops that help to recover our soils as natural fertilizers. This is the cultivation of legumes such as beans, lentils or chickpeas and vegetables such as arugula or radish that help to fix nitrogen to the soil thanks to their symbiotic relationship with a type of bacteria.

      Advantages: They strengthen the structure of the soil with their roots, increase soil microorganisms, increase the amount of organic matter and fix atmospheric nitrogen.

    5. Being in the time of change, it is convenient to settle the previous crops and prepare the field for what the new season demands. This also implies paying attention to prevention and being attentive to possible problems, such as diseases or pests. They will be there also in autumn.

      Therefore, our recommendations are: 

      1. Procure phytobiotics solution for vegetables and fruit trees with the frequency recommended of each product.

      2. Pay attention to the most frequent diseases such as powdery mildew, mildew, speckled, apical necrosis… 

      3. Maintain the control of pests, because they will also continue their activity in this season. Some of them are whitefly, red spider or fruit fly.

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