Olive grove care: 3 keys of after the olive campaign

The olive season has started while ago, which lasts until January in many cases. Therefore, this time we want to discuss 3 keys of olive grove care after the olive campaign. It is one of the most widespread crops in Spain and, above all, in Andalusia. In addition, it is a very important production sector in Spain and other Mediterranean countries such as Italy with its side businesses such as olive and olive oil.

Hence, in our lines of biostimulants and phytobiotics, the products are specialized to provide answers to the most common problems of the olive tree. In fact, in our web section of crops we paid attention to the olive grove and the agricultural products that it needs for an optimal harvest.

The olive tree achieves higher performance with Balance.

In addition, to maintain the production of our olive groves -in their different varieties- it is important to plan early treatments. Natural solutions will give them energy to the new shoots, prevent pests or diseases and, ultimately give the olive tree the optimal capacity to produce olives on the next year’s campaign.

1. After the recommended pruning at the end of the season, it is important to do a good repairing treatment of the tree, which, after enduring the use of vibrators and other agricultural implements, may be more vulnerable than ever to problems such as bacteriosis. Products such as a self-defense inducer can be a good option to generate the proteins that the olive tree needs at this time. Because they induce photosynthesis, respiration and lignification.

2.Towards spring, with the buds in bloom, the first pests may appear. Moreover, there the quick and even preventive reaction is key so that the olive production is not affected. Phytobiotics such as Mafacopper is a powerful protectant. In addition, it is possible to make another application of a biofertilizers such as Aminon, we can provide energy reserves and stimulation for the production of new leaves and the future fattening of the fruits.

3.Then, it is time to attend to the strategic stages of the tree: vegetative growth, flowering and fruit development. In them, phytohormones play crucial role. In addition, to respond to that need, it is a better way to take advantage of a high quality of biostimulant like Balance. It is a hormonal complex based on auxins and cytokines – and enriched with amino acids and vitamins – that improves crop performance. Our trial (available here) already demonstrated this.

Good harvest everyone!

[First Photo by PX Here License CCO]

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