R&D in agriculture: the formula to achieve optimal plant nutrition

Today we consider it interesting to talk about R&D since it is especially important in rural areas in general and in the agricultural and livestock sector in particular. R&D (and investigation) in agriculture is the formula to achieve optimal plant nutrition, but also it is much more than that. Such as:

  • Achieve more productive, resilient and sustainable crops.
  • Obtain solutions without toxicity for the problems that affect the field.
  • Obtain higher quality crops and healthier food.
  • Generate knowledge and development in an indispensable sector for society.

Research, development and innovation in the generation of solutions for crops and new food challenges allow all agricultural professionals have access to the same knowledge, whether they are family businesses or larger ones. That is why the R&D carried out by companies such as MAFA allows good agricultural practices, the results of research, training… to be available to everyone, for proper decision-making.

R&D is today an essential instrument in almost all sectors that have a direct impact on society. Also a good example of this is that the administrations already have their own platforms and organizations to coordinate the resources allocated to this investigative and innovative facet that contributes so much to social development. For the same reason, the companies that have spent decades trying to improve products for crops also have a commitment to research, development and innovation.

MAFA’s R&D department has an annual endowment that exceeds 3% of the company’s turnover to finance research projects. We have a technical team dedicated to this and, in addition, we collaborate with public and private research centers and official laboratories, as well as GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) approved centers.


Develop biotechnological products that improve the absorption of nutrients by plants.
Increase the efficiency of biofertilizers and reduce the use of chemical use in fertilizers.
Work in line with the European Green Deal, which plans to reduce the use of non-biological products by 20%.

R&D is facing the new needs

Fortunately, today we have biological products to improve nutrition, enhance plant growth and reduce the incidence of pests and diseases. In recent years, social and legislative changes have been taking place that are promoting increasingly sustainable agricultural practices. And professionals in agriculture, markets and consumers are increasingly aware that science and technology may be the best response to respond to new needs.

In this sense, using biological inputs (which do not generate waste and protect the environment) guarantee increased productivity while taking care of our planet and its natural resources. In fact, biotechnology applied to agriculture is providing new solutions and improving those that until now were provided by non-biological products, which prove ineffective in many cases, to the point that it is not infrequent that certain resistance or tolerance against pests or diseases that they are not able to stop.

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