Biological inputs: the solution to soil fertility problems

While the crops withstand extreme temperatures and drastic climate changes, now it is a good time to highlight how biological inputs are the best answer to soil fertility problems. The continuous use of chemical fertilizers, the climate change situation we are experiencing, soil degradation… There are many factors that are greatly affecting the quality of the soil substrate. So we need to maintain its fertility or ability to guarantee optimal plant development.

In this context, the research of the companies that are dedicated to agricultural biotechnology are focused on achieving the most appropriate inputs for this new reality. The situation of infertile soils, unfortunately, is becoming more and more widespread. In fact, soil fertility is one of the great challenges that the agriculture of the future will have to face. In addition at this point, we have to refer to biological imputs in so far as they provide that indispensable fertility. Also they do it with the help of the soil’s own microorganisms.

Types of biological/ecological/organical inputs


The biofertilizers use living organisms that help our crops to absorb nutrients.


The biostimulants constitute formulations of natural substances and organisms. These are botanical extracts, phytohormones, humic acids and algae (such as Ascophyllum) that provide the physiological effect that plants need at a critical moment. They represent for them a degree of protection and useful resistance to prevent future problems caused by pests, bad weather, etc.


  • Better crop yield
  • Higher and better production
  • More nutritional value
  • Greater transfer of micronutrients from the root to the stem
  • Greater tolerance to biotic or abiotic stress, caused by deficient hydration, lack of mineral salts, pollution…

It is very important that biological products applied to the agricultural sector are above all sustainable. That is why they are part of that agriculture that looks to the future, by using microorganisms and organic substances as an active ingredient to produce a beneficial response in the crop. An agriculture method which is free of toxicity. A zero residue agriculture.

Biological inputs and fertile soils

Sometimes we need an effect on the root zone. In other words, significantly increase root growth and also influence the dynamics of the colonies of bacteria that inhabit them.

This is what we try to achieve with biofertilizers such as Aminon Mar, one of our line products based on amino acids. As you may have already imagined from its name, it is an algae extract rich in substances such as auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins and betaines. All of them help the growth and development of the plant, by acting as a natural reserve of micro and macronutrients. A good way to feed soil fertility.

In other situations, what our crop requires is that the organic matter be easily consumed. Why? Because in this way we contribute to mineralization, a more efficient use of nutrients and a greater capacity for retaining water in the soil, which also translates into an increase in root mass.

The Maxiplant line allows easy absorption of nutrients, an improvement in soil structure and cation exchange capacity. And it is that we activate microbial life. The result is an extra supply of nutrients and energy for soil organisms and the plants linked to them.

It is what it is, the life born from life. Because ıf that, our crops rely heavily on other living organisms.

Image with CC0 License

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