MAFA renews its catalog with its zero residue agricultural biosolutions

At MAFA we believe that the agricultural sector is in continuous evolution. And that is why we renew our catalogue, to bring our natural biosolutions closer to agricultural producers. But also to explain how our clients (farmers and professionals in the sector in general) deserve how we work and to what extent research and innovation in all fields, in all crops and before all biotic and abiotic factors are important to our team. that affect plants.

The new MAFA catalogue, now available for consultation and download on our website, also includes data on the international destinations to which our biofertilizers, biostimulants, phytobiotics and soil regulators are reaching. Because we are precisely living in times of profound changes and new ways of dealing with agriculture that is more necessary than ever -due to the continuous growth of the world population- but at the same time more in need of natural and sustainable bio-solutions. Without residues.

And, in the midst of a constantly changing agriculture, our catalog wants to be the letter of introduction of the zero residue agriculture in which we have been working in recent years.

So our company, our facilities, our laboratory, our agronomists and researchers… our history has changed a lot since we started several decades ago. The market for agricultural biostimulants is constantly growing and will continue to grow thanks to the recent entry into force of the new European regulations on fertilizers and the reduction in the use of phytosanitary products marked by the European Green Deal.

Research and new markets for our natural biosolutions

Our goal is to consolidate and expand the market. And that is why in recent months we have strengthened commercial relations and stable distribution links in countries like Mexico. Because it is part of our vision to develop all the natural biosolutions that research allows us and, of course, to continue perfecting a range of products for zero-residue agriculture that society currently demands.

The use of fertilizers in agriculture has become a solution to improve soil quality. And it is that MAFA biofertilizers provide all the necessary nutrients for its correct development and performance, using live microorganisms that are respectful of the environment to the extent that they adhere to our cross-cutting objective: zero residue.

Offering sustainable solutions for plant nutrition involves constant investment in biotechnology, in research, but also through strategic alliances with prestigious organizations related to organic and ecological agriculture, such as BiovegenIBMA, CAAE, OMRI, Sohiscert... and institutions scientific institutions such as the CSIC, with which we are joined by projects as innovative and promising as the Myco-Brow project, pioneering research to design biofertilizers and biopesticides from alperujo.


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