5 essential treatments for crops in spring

Spring has already begun. An especially important season for agricultural professionals, who know that it is a time when plant activity is intense and the weather generates uncertainty. For this reason, as we have done on other occasions on our blog, we are talking about 5 essential treatments and care for crops in spring.

Foliar treatments
The root supply of nutrients during flowering
Higher quality in products with the application of biostimulants
Control of pests and diseases of the season
Prune and mulch where and when needed

Foliar treatments

The use of biostimulants products through the leaves is not accidental. And more at this time of year. Sometimes the soil is not the best way to provide our plants and trees with the nutrients they need. And spring is an essential season in the development of certain crops, such as the olive grove, which, if it does not have adequate nutrition, can have a bad fruit set or even the loss of the flower. What do we get with these foliar treatments in spring?

  • Provide adequate nutrients to complement root fertilization and thus ensure vegetative growth and flowering.
  • Improve flowering, essential for our crops to have a good yield.
  • And promote the setting of the fruit, reduce possible losses of these and, therefore, improve the resistance of crops at such an important moment but not less vulnerable.

The root contribution of nutrients in flowering

Spring, as we all know, is the time of flowering. Therefore, as soon as the new shoots of our trees or plants are activated, so do the roots. With the increase in temperatures and the greater incidence of light, our crops are ready for their moment. But they also need special attention in terms of application and correction of nutrients. And it is that each nutrient has a role, closely related to spring flowering and the subsequent setting of the fruit.

But the most important ones?👇

Stimulates sprouting and crop yield.

Provides energy to the plant and productivity to the crop in the long term.

It is essential throughout the development of the plant.

It is a very important element in cell division, and therefore, in the flowering and fruit set.

Higher quality in products with the application of biostimulants

Together with the correct nutrition during flowering, the use of biostimulants can improve the quality of the flowers and favor a greater number of fruits. In pre-flowering its application can be crucial to stimulate the quality of the flowers.
Thanks to amino acids or the qualities provided by seaweed we can achieve a phenological balance of fruit trees and vegetables. And get a higher quality pollen among other things. In addition, it is important to add other macronutrients such as calcium or boron and micronutrients such as iron or zinc. This is how we affect the flowering and quality of fruits that will arrive in due time.

Control of pests and diseases of the season

Fungi, insects, mites… the pests that our crops face in spring are obvious. The mild temperatures, the environmental humidity and the atmospheric conditions typical of these months favor germination and growth. But they also promote pests and diseases that, if not treated in time, can ruin a good harvest. As they say, prevention is better.
On the one hand, we will have to be very aware of the appearance of insects, dormant during the winter and now ready to hatch their eggs.
Mites deserve special mention, which usually appear in many crops in spring and wreak havoc in summer. We are talking about the red spider mite and other very harmful mites in crops such as fruit trees.
And how not to mention powdery mildew, mildew… and other very common fungi in spring, when there begins to be a certain degree of humidity. Therefore, once the threat is detected, applying some phytobiotics and zero residue biofertilizers is essential to avoid future consequences.

5 tratamientos indispensables para los cultivos en primavera

Prune and mulch where and when needed

In addition to caring for the crops with the application of inputs when necessary, there are other ‘treatments’ or care that we can give to solve other needs. These are issues that, without a doubt, also interfere with something as important as vegetative growth.
Spring is, therefore, a good time to prune where necessary. It is our way of sanitizing trees and plants from all the material that can harm growth. And, at the same time, guide that growth in the most appropriate way. The result? A more vigorous growth that will benefit the yield of our crop.
In some fruit trees and other species, spring is also perfect for protecting the roots closest to the surface and maintaining soil moisture. As? Through padding or mulching techniques we favor the beneficial microbiota of the soil.

Natural biosolutions, always on our mind

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