Agricultural Biotechnology and MAFA: 50 Years of giving solutions to the field

The agricultural biotechnology has made significant progress in recent years as well our company, MAFA Vegetal Ecobiology, has done during its 50 years of service. Over half a century, MAFA has been working from the research and innovation to offer the best solutions to the field, we are always thinking in sustainable crops and healthy products.

In these 50 years, MAFA has been one of the first companies in the agronomy sector to be able to adapt to the new social demands such as increased conscious of the products for human consumption that are coming from the field, which are not infinite resources and they can not base on artificial and dangerous overproduction. We have put a distance to the techniques or products that generate waste and we have decided to never compromise on the environmental balance and personal health. This is the “backbone” of our work in terms of agricultural biotechnology.


MAFA has developed since it opened its first facilities in 1969 in Castellón (Spain). Thanks to the efforts of our workers and the goal of constant excellence in developing new products for the field (such as biofertilizers, biostimulants or phytobiotics), MAFA gained relevance on the national market, with over 70 records in its first 20 years.

With Agricultural Biotechnology, always present in our business mission, we have wanted to increase productivity while reducing the costs, generate innovations and improvements in food, and lead to organic agricultural practices. We have wanted to contribute to sustainable agriculture, which uses environmentally friendly resources. We want to provide the best field for future generations.

I+D+i en MAFA



In the last 11 years, the leap of MAFA in zero residue agriculture had been decisive. In 2008 we opened our new facilities in Murcia, with an R&D department, focusing on products without residues. Since then, the MAFA experts on R&D have not stopped generating natural and efficient solutions for an agriculture as sustainable as possible, which is  an agriculture without residues and respective to nature and humans.

And, in fact, our R&D department has specific finance for research projects. As a token of our commitment for further progress towards the achievement of the products that best protect, enrich and nourish the corps and his fruits.

We have a team focused on optimizing the quality of agricultural products on the field, with maintaining the needs of balanced and healthy crop. Moreover, we collaborate with public and private research centers, officially recognized laboratories such as homologated centers with GLP (Good Laboratory Practice). And step by step, we have achieved the international expansion, which in the last decade has led us to be present in European and Middle Eastern countries.


Precisely to be able to answer this new reality, an international company with a body and soul dedicated to Agricultural biotechnology, our new corporate identity and brand MAFA Vegetal Ecobiology were born in 2009. Since then, the advances of our society have been consistent to become a leader company on obtaining certificates and products that support our involvement for sustainable agriculture and organic farming. But the most important, always respect the environment and the food quality above all.

In 2012, we get our first Organic registration by certification authorities SHC and CAAE according to European Regulation (CE) 834/07 and 889/2008. In 2015, another important milestone for MAFA: the creation of the brand “Zero Residue” has been achieved. It has been crucial to understand our vision to support and promote a healthy agricultural practice for our environment and for ourselves.

The growth of MAFA Vegetal Ecobiology is unstoppable in recent years. And proof of this, it is the increase of facilities and influential networks. Last year, 2018, it was meteoric for MAFA, because we have released new facilities in the Metropolitan Park in Granada (Spain), with more than 10.000 m2 area. Also, the subsidiary MAFA Bioscience Mexico was born and we achieved the registers by an American certificate OMRI for organic products according to regulation USDA/NOP-Final Rule (EEUU).


Our last achievement has been this year 2019, when reached the accreditation and certification ISO 9001:2015. By doing so, we have endorsed the quality of our management system in the design and production of fertilizers and agricultural products. This stamp ensure and ratify our products and services quality in the organic farming sector. And, at the same time, it confirms our commitment to excellence, the future of the field and the agriculture.

In MAFA Vegetal Ecobiology we want to continue seeing healthy fields and an agriculture with awareness.

50 years of MAFA

  • 1969 – First facilities of MAFA in Castellón.
  • 1990 – We get to the domestic market with 70 records.
  • 2008 – New facilities in Murcia with R&D department focused on products without residues
  • 2009 – International growth in Middle Eastern countries.
  • 2010 – Change of corporate identity and the birth of the brand MAFA VEGETAL ECOBIOLOGY.
  • 2012 – The achievement of organic records by certification authorities SHC and CAAE according to European Regulation (CE) 834/07 and 889/2008.

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