Seven reasons to join zero residue agriculture

From MAFA Vegetal Ecobiology, we want to give you seven reasons to join zero residue agriculture. Really, the advantages, which show the suitability by this way of practicing zero residue agriculture, are more numerous. However, we have wanted to synthesize the recommended aspects and explain why the zero residue agriculture is having a growth in the primary sector and what the strengths of this option for farmers are.

MAFA apuesta por el Residuo Cero.

MAFA works to Zero Residue Agriculture.

Why choose zero residue agriculture?

  1. Because it is demanded by the society. Data confirm an evident increase in environmental awareness in the actual society. The population and agricultural products consumers have begun to worry about food production processes, until the point that more and more citizens are buying their food aware of its origin and if they are sustainable products and committed to the environment.
  2. Because it guarantees sustainable crops, environmentally friendly and committed to the consumer. Zero residue agricultural biostimulants, biofertilizers, phytobiotics or soil correctors are the products that do not leave any residues in the food, due to the nature of its components.
  3.  It guarantees food without residue, and therefore, healthy and with quality. A food with zero residue is one that does not show residues in its analysis. The maximum residue limit (MRL) is 0.01 ppm, which represents the minimum quantifiable concentration by analytical methods.

    Thanks to the biotechnology, it is possible to achieve the natural solutions that each type of crop.

  4. By applying zero residue agriculture products, the farmers ensure harvest with higher yields and fruits of excellent quality. These fruits will be ideal to be marketed in competitive markets and demanding with the environmental commitment.
  5. When the products are produced without waste, the zero residue agriculture contributes to recover the organoleptic qualities of vegetables, fruits, green vegetables and legumes. This is done with very natural processes, which do not interfere in the growth of the fruit or its characteristics and peculiarities.
  6. Because the producers are guaranteed access to large distribution chains, that increasingly demand food from zero residue agriculture.
  7.  Furthermore, thanks to the biotechnology, it is possible to achieve the natural solutions that each type of crop needs in every moment. It responds effectively and directly to pests, diseases, meteorology and other agents that affect its optimal development.

From MAFA, we offer training and advice to farmers about zero residue agriculture. Besides, we develop specific treatments adapted to the needs of each crop.

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