How to correct the nutrient deficits of crops

How to correct the nutrient deficit of crops is one of the main questions faced by professionals in agriculture. For various reasons, plants and trees may not be synthesizing the nutrients they receive and need, as they should. In addition, they can be affected by an obvious deterioration in their entire structure. Root, stem or trunk, leaves, flowers, fruits … Everything can be harmed by lack of nutrients, which unfortunately is more common than we know.

There are many causes and variations why plants lack these nutrients. Moreover, they range from the absence of that nutrient on the soil or the pH of the substrate in which our crop is found or going through an excess of other components that overlap the correct absorption of the deficient nutrients… The symptoms that tell us that something is wrong are also very different. Yellowing of the leaves, lower production of flowers and fruits, less growth than usual or at a slower rate… These all are some signs that there is an insufficient nutrition. After all, the vital function is excellence. We have to give the excellence to our plants to continue with their vital processes.

Lack of macronutrients -such as Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), Potassium (K), Magnesium (Mg), Calcium (Ca) and Sulfur (S)- or micronutrients -such as Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Molybdenum (Mo) and Chlorine (Cl)- requires the use of biofertilizers. They must be applied in their right doses to not to impair the absorption of other necessary elements. Because of this frequent problem in agriculture and requires zero residue solutions, we advise several options below:

Correction of nutritional deficiencies when the root cannot absorb more

In this case, the aim is to give extra help to the plant. For various reasons, plants do not capture the nutrients it needs from the roots. Deficiencies can affect the absorption of all essential nutrients. In addition, the important thing is to correct it in time and, above all, to prevent before it happens.

Calcium correctors, such as Bioxy Ca, are recommended for the initial stage of fruit growth, in order to improve cell multiplication and fruit size. The high concentration of calcium incorporated in the product guarantees a regular supply that prevents physiopathies such as bitter-pit in apples, apical necrosis in tomato and pepper, tipburn in strawberry or lettuce, etc.

-The copper deficiency is also a concern. Why? Because it acts as a catalyst for numerous enzymatic reactions, participates in photosynthesis, facilitates protein synthesis, and acts as a chlorophyll stabilizer. Bioxy Cu is a formula based on natural algae extracts supplemented with copper to improve the entire process related to growth, flowering, fruit setting, fattening and ripening.

Zinc and Manganese deficiencies usually appear together and insufficient absorption causes physiological disorders. In this case, the use of Bioxy Zn-Mn contributes to the activation of enzymatic processes in the plant and the formation of proteins.

Nutritional imbalances of various elements at the same time are also common in agricultural crops. Because the pH of the soil and the environmental conditions are sensitive elements that can ruin the harvest. For this there are mixed formulations, such as Bioxy Mix, based on essential micronutrients chelated with heptagluconic acid. It is perfect for both prevention and cure, when the lack nutrition of plants or trees is being seriously affected. The same goes for Bioxy Zn-Mn-Mg-Cu, a corrector with enriched in zinc, manganese, magnesium and copper.

Correct the nutrient deficit with foliar fertilizers

The main thing in those cases is to act on the correct phenological states of great consumption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (macronutrients). The solubility in water and the high concentration of elements makes foliar biofertilizers -such as those of the Folimax line- an effective solution to the specific problems that the plant is having throughout its vital processes.

As our expert agronomists explain, this option “it is specially developed for the different stages of the phenological cycle. Each stage in plant life is different, from growth to flowering and fruiting. Therefore, the plant needs different elements to complete its function at each stage.”

And it is that plants and trees may also need extra help throughout their lives. Therefore, their nutrition is optimal and for their growth, flowering and fruiting. The important thing is that this solution is natural and zero residue. As they say, “the remedy is no worse than the disease.”

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