New ecological certifications for MAFA biosolutions

For MAFA it is important to develop sustainable agriculture. And for this reason our formulations always aspire to achieve certifications and seals that guarantee their application in productions that are responsible for the environment, quality and health. So you can imagine how satisfied we are to have received new ecological certifications for our biosolutions.

In this case, we have just obtained UNE 315500 certification for our range of basic substances, which recognizes them as inputs that can be used in organic plant production. We are talking about natural biosolutions for the management of pests and diseases in crops that opt for the most sustainable agriculture possible.

The UNE input standards are a tool of the Spanish Standardization Association to provide extra guarantee and security to agricultural professionals who use certified products.

What advantages does this certification have?

We contribute

  • The differentiation of certified input products.
  • Greater transparency.
  • A greater guarantee to farmers, with biosolutions based on commitment and trust.
  • A recognition certified by the CAAE for effective solutions aimed at ecological production.

Certified products

Basic insecticidal, acaricidal and fungicide substance based on Urtica spp.

Bactericide based on 6% Poly-D Glucosamine polymer.

Why use certified products?

Because they comply with the regulations

UNE standards like this are based on the European regulation of Organic Production, R(CE) 834/2007 and R(CE) 889/2008 in which the provisions of the previous one are established.

Out of commitment to the market and the consumer

It provides certified products with a safety guarantee that has an impact on the market and the final consumer.

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