Proven efficacy, key in the European regulation of biostimulants

It is not the first time that we have told you about the new European regulation of biostimulants. Although this year will be key for its application, since it is from next July 16 when the regulation approved by the European Union comes into force. The regulation classifies agricultural biostimulants for the first time. It clearly defines them and, furthermore, links them to something extremely important to our company: their proven effectiveness.

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According to the European Consortium of Biostimulants, they are products for agricultural use that contain substances or microorganisms that can stimulate the processes of nutrition and development of plants.

Its objective is to improve aspects such as the efficiency in the use of nutrients or tolerance to abiotic stress. But also to optimize the quality of the crops and the availability of soil nutrients.


The new regulation introduces a great advancement and for us it is very important. As a company dedicated to agricultural biotechnology, we have always based ourselves on proven effectiveness. Well as of July of this year, manufacturers will only be able to spread the functionality of our products if they have previously been scientifically tested.

Why use proven biostimulants?

We are talking about products created by professionals in Agricultural Engineering and that, in addition, are tested in trials on crops and real situations in all agricultural plots. Basically, biostimulants:

  • They optimize the absorption of nutrients and water by the roots.
  • They fortify plants against adverse environmental conditions, such as extreme temperatures, saline soils, etc.
  • They improve photosynthetic and metabolic processes.
  • And they stimulate the immune system of plants.

Know, investigate, test and confirm

It seems obvious, but the formulation of our products requires all those steps and a lot of study work. Because, just as it happens with the rest of living beings, crops also evolve. Soils change and are influenced by numerous factors that are continually changing. As it happens with the environmental reality of our planet. Or with the demand for food products and their variety.

Transparency and trust

As with the food we eat or any product we buy, the difference between what they ‘sell’ us or want us to believe and what they actually provide is sometimes quite noticeable different.

That is why it is important for us that each biostimulant or biofertilizer that we create meets the expectations of agricultural professionals. That it really serves what it has been created for.

We believe that the requirement to use scientific criteria will achieve greater transparency and trust. In addition, between all of us we are going to guarantee that its composition, functionality, innocuousness regarding health and environmental safety are those that our society and our environment need.

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