How R&D optimizes the application of biostimulants in agriculture

The technology applied to seeds, crop protection and agriculture in general is here to stay. That is why research, development and innovation, that famous sum of R&D, is essential to achieve products that respond to the new challenges of the sector and the new demands of society.

At MAFA we have always been concerned about the environment and for years we have focused our strategy on sustainability, based on continuous research and development  of zero waste products. Because for us it is essential that there is no toxicity in the solutions for the field. With biosolutions and zero waste, we achieve plant health and, consequently, the nutritional excellence that agricultural professionals want for their crops.

In our team of agronomists we know that sustainable fertilization and the use of biostimulants based on natural solutions contribute to efficient and responsible agricultural production in every way. Well, how does R&D optimize the application of biostimulants in agriculture? Let’s dive in.

More efficiency without affecting performance

Thanks to research, conventional agriculture has evolved and is evolving exponentially towards an advanced level of professionalism. In this new scenario of the sector, the use of new, more efficient and more respectful solutions with the environment, allow increasing the efficiency of the inputs and, therefore, taking care of the crops without affecting the yield.

For this reason, taking into account that we are talking about something as important in plants as their nutrition, their health, the use of biostimulants is one of the most interesting and positive formulas for the field. Research is demonstrating the positive impact that these products have in situations of high stress and environmental demands.

Customized solutions 

It is another of the advantages of the investigation and the development of specific products, more and more perfected. Taking into account that there are different stress conditions and growing phases, giving a global solution may be a mistake. And that is where R&D is achieving a high specificity of biostimulant formulations, studied and improved by our biotechnology department. Thanks to technology and experience – there is our section on agricultural trials – they allow us to respond better to each situation and to know almost in detail the cause for which the benefit of each substance on the crop is produced.

Activation of naturla plant processes

Innovation and R&D is the best strategy to face the challenge ahead of us with guarantees: producing enough food in favorable conditions for the preservation of the environment and biodiversity. That is, the application of R&D to agriculture, in this case through the formulation of biostimulants, contributes to the balance between profitability and sustainability. Because we all want an agriculture that is as profitable as it is respectful of our environment.

The natural substances and microorganisms that we use when formulating agricultural biostimulants activate the natural processes of plants. And in this way:

  • Acceleration of the assimilation of nutrients
  • Improving soil agronomic conditions
  • Protection of crops from stress

The companies that are dedicated to the production of biostimulants and biofertilizers have spent the last decades accelerating research and innovation around them. This allows us to provide solutions for the protection and reinforcement of plants, especially in crops with high added value, such as vegetables, woody crops, fruit trees, olive trees, citrus fruits or vineyards.

We focus our research on obtaining products, biostimulants, that facilitate the adaptation of soils and agricultural crops to climate change, make them more resistant to drought situations -unfortunately, more and more frequent- and favor carbon sequestration.

The objective of the investigations is always plant health, because a healthy plant adapts better to climatic changes than a crop with deficiencies. A nourished crop is always less vulnerable to external agents such as extreme temperatures, excessive rainfall or drought.

¡Natural biosolutions always on our mind!😉

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