The role of biotechnology in crop optimization and environmental conservation

Biotechnology is principalities for MAFA, because it underlies all our work in the formulation of products for agriculture. It plays a key role in crop optimization and environmental conservation, which are two objectives that must go hand in hand if we believe in sustainability.

Why do we say this?

1. Because biological products provide benefits to the plant and favor the crop yields.

2. Because they stimulate growth and productivity while respecting natural resources and protecting the environment. We believe that it is essential for the future of the planet and the feeding of the world’s population.

3. Because the solutions we achieve by applying biotechnology to the agriculture allows us to reduce pressure on ecosystems by rationalizing the use of chemical inputs such as pesticides.

Biotechnology is a science that in turn includes various disciplines and sciences such as Biology, biochemistry, genetics, virology, agronomy, engineering, chemistry, veterinary etc.

Plant nutrition is the basis for productive crops and top quality production. 

Also where biotechnology serves to better understand the microorganisms that contribute to the development of the plant. Through research, we can take better advantage of those metabolic qualities that these organisms have. By providing energy to the plant, they enhance root development. Consequently, they favor optimal nutrition and make the use of water by the plant much more efficient.

To tackle the climate change, we need agriculture prepared for extreme weather conditions.

Drought, torrential rains, extreme temperatures… If there is a sector affected by climate change, it is agriculture and livestock. Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent and at MAFA we believe it is our obligation to offer natural solutions without residues that respond to the stress suffered by crops.

It is about achieving a resilient agriculture, capable of being prepared for these climatic situations even before they occur. An agriculture ready to cushion them and recover from them in a timely, efficient and sustainable manner.

Biofertilizers and biostimulants play an important role in this regard, since they allow plants to respond in the best way to abiotic stress. That is to say, that they face with more guarantees those situations external to the plant that represent non-living factors. It must be taken into account that abiotic stress is inevitable and, in the case of plants, decisive, because it depends especially on environmental factors.

In the same way that we have explained so far, we try to take advantage of the solutions that nature itself offers us to respond to the pest problem.

Did you know that between 25% and 50% of crops are lost as a result of weeds, pests and pathogens? This data obtained from the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology.

For this reason, working on the use of organisms that reduce or eliminate the damage caused by certain pathogenic agents – such as Pseudomonas Syringae and Erwinia Herbicola bacteria – is also a priority object of agricultural biotechnology.

Healthy soils, protected and with a future.

Talking about sustainable agriculture leads to talking about soils with a future, healthy and suitable for offering the best conditions for each crop. Bearing in mind that it is estimated that a third of soils are degraded due to factors such as salinization or depletion of organic matter, biotechnology has a very specific weight in its conservation and care.

Also microorganisms as a source of proteins that they are, improve their properties by providing the best substrate for plants to carry out their vital functions with the best guarantee of success. If the ground fails, everything fails.

Soil regulators or conditioners are designed to improve the structure and cation exchange capacity of the soil, promote microbiological activity and achieve optimum pH.

A sustainable agricultural and agri-food model 


In short, at MAFA we believe that agricultural biotechnology may be the most suitable formula to offer solutions to the imminent challenges of the agricultural sector. It is possible to improve crop yields by taking care of our environment and, furthermore, offering the market agri-food products of unquestionable quality and safety.

Research is advancing to improve the state of crops against pests and diseases and encourage the agricultural sector to also be a carbon sink.

We are passionate about our work and continue to work for and for a productive and waste-free agriculture.

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