2024 begins: MAFA’s three wishes for agriculture in the new year

Well yes. We start 2024 and we want to celebrate it for all but also we want start with three clear wishes for agriculture in the new year.

They are not imaginary or extraordinary desires. But because they are repetitive, they are no less desired by all professionals who, directly or indirectly, are dedicated to agriculture and its needs.

We are sure that MAFA’s three wishes for agriculture for the new year are also wishes that, almost unconsciously, millions of people around the world ask for. Because agriculture and its sustainable productivity concern those of us who are related to the sector. But also, to the entire population that continues to grow and needs solutions to its diet, whose demand grows in a directly proportional way.

We want to take the umbrella. Or forget it and let the rain get us wet. The severe drought that affects the fields of our country and much of the planet has reduced agricultural production by half or less in many crops and hampered many others. And yet, agricultural professionals face the new year with the same objectives: producing food, taking care of the landscape and protecting the environment.

For that commitment also needs the help of meteorology, which, unfortunately, is not in our power to control. Yes, it is possible to make their work easier for producers. And there the support of the administrations is essential. It is also important that research continues working to find the best natural and sustainable solutions to this water deficit that can be so harmful to crops.

As we talked about in our last post, food safety must be a priority. It is a complicated objective but it must be the goal of all of us: governments, the international community have a lot to say and do about it, but it is also important to continue laying the foundations for sustainable agriculture. That provides food for the growing demand of the population. Also, that it provides the opportunity for self-sufficiency agriculture in those parts of the planet where poverty reaches extremes that we cannot even imagine in developed countries.

As a company dedicated to the research and development of natural biosolutions for the field, there is nothing we want more than to continue forging alliances with centers and institutions dedicated to obtaining new ways to meet the demands of today’s agriculture.

We like to analyze, study, know what happens in each type of crop, in each type of soil… In order to develop the most appropriate solution and, in this way, contribute to ensuring that the yield of each field is what the farmer expects. and, of course, the one that the consumer needs.


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