How to stop the olive leaf spot? You need an effective and durable solution

How to stop the olive leaf spot? This is one of the problematic issues that produce more headaches to olive sector farmers. The olive leaf spot (Cycloconium oleaginym) is an exclusive and habitual disease of olive trees. Besides, it is considered the most frequent infection in the olive grove in Spain, according to Network of Alert and Phytosanitary Information of Andalusia.

It is a fungus, which produces several dark spots on the upper surface of the leaves. Especially it is perceived on the bundle of the leaves but it also affects the olives. The worst thing is that the olive leaf spot has a great survivability and propagation. What are the consequences of the olive leaf spot?

  • It causes a big defoliation of the olive tree.
  • It weakens the trees of our olive grove.
  • It could affect production, which reduces the yield of olive oil.


MAFACOPPER Against Olive Leaf Spot

The biggest propagation of this fungus is in autumn and winter. So, warm humid conditions and mild temperatures favour fungal diseases. We are now at the beginning of autumn season, it is a good time to talk about this pathogen, which due to its characteristics, needs an effective and sustainable solution.

Precisely, our test with Mafacopper (based on Copper Gluconate) was carried out in autumn in a farm in Córdoba (Spain) and it was applied on Picual olive variety. In the trial, Mafacopper was applied on olive leaves in 2L, 3L and 4L/ha proportions, as well as Cuprosan 500 and Cobreline (Copper Oxychloride) in 400 g/ha proportions.

The measurements were made at 30, 62, 97 and 122 days after application, and the effectiveness percentage of leaf spot olive infection and the efficacy against olive grove disease were ostensibly higher and more evident with Mafacopper treatment than with other products.


  • Mafacopper’s effectiveness with 3L is very good and superior to other treatments.
  •  Mafacopper, with different doses, gets better results on the latent infection of olive leaf spot than any commercial products.
  • Compared to referent products, the effectiveness of Mafacopper last longer.



Mafacopper % effectiveness of olive leaf spot.


Diagram (español)


% of effectiveness of Mafacopper about the incidence of olive leaf spot.


Diagram (español)

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