MAFA new member of IBMA, International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association

We started 2020 with very good news. Few weeks before, MAFA has entered the IBMA (International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association), which is a prestigious international organization of agricultural biocontrol agents. In other words, we are one of the partners of the organism that includes the most recognized and leading producers of natural formulations. Also it shows that, we are capable of leaving no residue while controlling pests that are possible to affect many crops.

At MAFA, with IBMA, we reinforce our work in nutrition and plant protection through bio-solutions thanks to extracts, biological active ingredients and natural microorganisms that leave no residue. With this we achieve a value increase to our eco certifications that guarantee the quality and environmental commitment of our products.

Being a part of IBMA consolidates MAFA Vegetal Ecobiology as a benchmark in the agricultural engineering sector that dedicated to biocontrol and bioprotection of crops and their fruits. We are in the ‘first division’ of the producers of biostimulants, biofertilizers and phytobiotics that maintains agricultural production with a sustainable approach and without agrochemical residues.

We have Zero Residue Agriculturein our business’ ‘DNA’.

MAFA entra en IBMA, la organización internacional de biocontrol agrícola

MAFA is member of IBMA.

For our agronomist biotechnology team, this guidance of the IBMA is a big and important step for our company. We are the part of the association that brings together all the manufacturers specialized in developing plant bioprotection products. In addition to enormous satisfaction, it is a guarantee for the farmers who trust our products.

Therefore, we offer our advice to any agricultural professional who wants to go into zero residue agriculture, the agriculture of the future.


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